We’re now Good Logistics
It’s an exciting day for us today; we’re changing our trading name to Good Logistics and unveiling our brand-new look! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57E_k_ugKso&t=1s How will this affect you? These exciting changes won’t affect how you use our services. You’ll still speak to the same people and use the same systems. Our contact [...]
Brexit Process and Effects on the Logistics Industry Webinar
What will the UK leave the European Union change in the logistics industry? We will talk about the BREXIT Process and Its Effects on the Logistics Sector in the webinar we will organize as the UTIKAD Geçmişten Geleceğe team. Participation is open to everyone. Thursday, February 11, 2021 /14.00-15:00 [...]
Brexit Süreci Kritik Önem Taşıyor
John Good Lojistik Operasyon Müdürü Uğur Gönüllü, Brexit sürecinin lojistik sektörüne etkilerini değerlendirdi. Uğur Gönüllü, Brexit süreci nasıl geliştiğini ve mevcut durumda sektörün nasıl etkilendiğini şu sözlerle aktarıyor; "2016 yılında yapılan referandumda Birleşik Krallık’ın AB’den ayrılma kararının alınmasının ardından 1 yıl sonra resmi olarak süreç başladı. Öncesinde 2019 yılına dek [...]
Could Short-Sea Container Services be the Solution for Avoiding Delays in your Supply Chain post Brexit?
The latest news in the UK says that the UK Government will provide temporary toilets for drivers caught short by delays at the border. The plan comes after a warning that thousands of lorries could face two-day delays in Kent while waiting to cross the Channel. If the predicted delays are bad [...]
Restrictions on EU Trailers
Following last weeks update around the overall affects on supply chain, we see Europe’s key trucking routes continue to face difficulties resulting from increased board checks and resulting congestion and delays. At a time when these routes are needed more than ever we continue to see issues arising due to driver availability [...]
Importing from Turkey in the event of a No-Deal Brexit
Importing from Turkey in the event of a No-Deal Brexit If the UK does ultimately leave the EU with no deal in April 2019, then customs formalities will be required for movements between EU & UK. The Government has estimated there would be an extra 200 million customs declarations per year. The [...]
What is an ATR1 certificate?
What is an ATR1 certificate? If you’re considering importing from or exporting to Turkey then you’ll need to familiarise yourself with the ATR1 certificate. This certificate – the Admission Temporaire Roulette cert – is required to benefit from the preferential rates of duty (mostly zero) when moving industrial products between [...]
Turkey Currency Crisis and its Impact on Global Trade
Turkey Currency Crisis and its Impact on Global Trade If you’re a fan of holidays in Turkey, you’ll no doubt have been enjoying more affordable breaks away thanks to Turkey’s plummeting exchange rate during 2018. So much so, because of Turkey’s currency and political crisis, the pound is worth around [...]
6 Mistakes to Avoid When Importing from Turkey
6 Mistakes to Avoid When Importing from Turkey The 2017 trade deal between Britain and Turkey means that many businesses may be considering importing from Turkey for the first time. This could be a sound choice as Turkey already has lots of positives as a trade partner, including direct trade [...]
A Guide to Importing from Turkey
A Guide to Importing from Turkey – what you need to know The recently announced new trade deal between Britain and Turkey means there’s never been a better time to consider importing from Turkey, Europe’s sixth largest economy. This rapidly growing economy, direct trade routes, a government keen to encourage trade and a [...]